  About Intellisis
  Guiding Philosophy
  KG Pro

Intellisis Resources Pvt. Ltd. incorporated in 2005 envisages a system of school education which promotes the development of multiskilled, confident, independent and articulate children who love to learn. Conceptualized by industry stalwarts having more than 10 years of experience in the field of competitive, basic education and allied services. The core team is the same which is behind success of Bulls eye, a premier national level MBA preparatory chain with a student strength of more than 5000.
We know that our children are the most precious resource of our community and we need to nurture them by providing the very best education possible in a scientific manner which imbibes problem solving & decision-making skills with a questioning mind. Keeping this very important aspect in mind, Intellisis has come out with KG Pro , a unique kindergarten programme that is grounded in scientific principles keeping the above said larger objectives in mind. Intellisis bridges this gap with its scientifically designed KG Pro modules where the schools, teachers and parents can give children a complete learning experience which will help them in honing the necessary skills in their respective age groups. KG Pro has been developed, nurtured & refined since the last three years under the supervision of a team consisting of renowned academicians and experts in the field of education from the best schools in the Country. KG Pro is a sophisticated and pre tested programme. This is not a run of the mill programme which has leaped straightway from the design board to offering. KG Pro has been incubated at Mind Tree School, Ambala. Mind Tree School, Ambala is one of the most progressive and modern schools in the region. The Mind Tree School, Ambala has been running successfully on the systems & books designed & developed by Intellisis under the KG Pro programme. The results since last two years have been extremely satisfying & encouraging. KG Pro is the only complete and systematic programme designed to run Kindergarten in the Country. Modules are designed specifically for each age groups (2.5yrs to 5.5 years); keeping in mind the requirements of the children, the parents, the teachers and the school.
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