  About Intellisis
  Guiding Philosophy
  KG Pro

  • To provide education through effective and innovative teaching methodology.
  • To provide students with essential skills, knowledge and techniques that prepare them for life in a global and competitive environment.
  • To provide a safe, supportive and positive teaching environment that meets the needs of each student.
  • To imbibe values & principles that help them in becoming responsive citizens and leaders.
With the plethora of techniques being used by different schools to impart education in kindergarten, it becomes subjective / debatable as to which is the best approach in imparting the complete learning experience. Intellisis introduces a hybrid system of KG education which is a combination of the Best Features of various approaches that are used the world over to provide quality learning to kindergarteners. It is the "Melting Pot Approach”. The “Melting Pot Approach” unites the positive attributes of the following methods: 

  • Theme Based Method
  • Project Method
  • The Montessori Method
  • Multiple Intelligence Method
Moreover, Teachers are encouraged to use a wide variety of teaching strategies and materials to help children learn the knowledge and skills specified in the KG Pro programme. Our professional development provides teachers with many options for teaching, including planning activities, incorporating learning by doing, Montessori Method and so on.
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